Monday, July 12, 2010


Okay. I have to speak out. I'm getting way tired of hearing people say that if men can cheat on women like Christina Millian & Halle Barry, that us "women of lesser morals & substance" (my voice is heavily sarcastic here) obviously cannot hold unto a man.
Seriously? What the fuck?! Yea, I'm mad. Yes, I understand that these are successful, beautiful women but what makes them any different from every other woman on earth? Yea, some of us might not be as successful as they are, or perhaps look as naturally (I use this word loosely) beautiful as they do, but I believe that each woman has within her something that is extremely unique & beautiful to offer.
Anywho, whose to say why these men cheat? People are currently assuming that these men cheat on women like Halle & Christina because there is something wrong with these women. But why is the blame on only them? My problem is if you're no longer attracted to the woman/man you're currently with, then let them know & move on, instead of allowing them to face the indignity and humiliation of your unfaithful ways. Also, just because a woman is a celebrity that does not make her "woman of the year". Halle & Christina are normal women, just like us. Not super women. They get hurt & they bleed just like us. Their men cheat on them, they do all the things we do; minus those women who actually follow their psychotic urges.
Bottom line, don't place these women on a pedestal, and don't assume that these men are blameless.
That is all.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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